“Go where we may, rest where we will,

Eternal London haunts us still”

-Thomas Moore

This collection of photographs is a visual and psycho-geographical chronicle of how I perceive this city, London. The images are a creative re-imagining of its doleful nature and they present a surrealist visualization of the city that will outlive us all.  I walked the city streets, the veins of this beast, where I discovered London’s unexplored mysteries. With each tiny alleyway so different, yet eerily similar, I recognized the melancholy madness of the city. It is a city with an overwhelming vastness that cannot be contained. Rising from the flames and ruins, it is a place that cannot be controlled, not by its politicians, its people, its history, or even the elements; the fog is seemingly etched in the city’s unique texture. It is torturous, overpowering, and never-ending.

Inspired by English writers such as Arthur Machen and Charles Dickens, and visually roused by early 20th century street photography of the city, I set out into the streets, attempting to understand the monster that is deceptively unknowable. I walked through the fog, rain, wind, and haze. My travels took me through the strangeness of this city: under and over bridges, past crumbling brick buildings, through the cobblestone passageways, and into the vast, despondent metropolis. I gathered the perception that this city revels in its own darkness. 

This is London.